Delivering Unique University & Faculty Insights

With our dataset, based entirely on real student feedback, we help high schoolers make more accurate choices.

a phone screen showing a screenshote of a school
a phone screen showing a screenshote of a school
In many countries, university and faculty choice is a lottery. Admission process is a mess.

Universities use fake internet reviews for their campaigns

High corruption and bureaucracy

Asking a friend gives a subjective opinion

Open source data is
not flexible enough

UniFinder— a platform that provides university insights which can’t be Googled.

Survey of students on their university experience

Survey of high schoolers on their admission priorities

Unique dataset of students’ opinions on their universities and faculties

Web platform based on
this data

“Intense math, alumni network, engaging professors”

Made by students for students

We are proposing a new concept: collecting data ourselves and monetizing it. This way we will bridge the gap between students and high schoolers.

It’s more than just money

We don’t want students to abandon their studies too early. We need you.
We need new explorers, creators and inventors.

A bad choice can be deeply depressing. Think in advance. Choose wisely.

We, humans, are explorers, creators and inventors. Don’t abandon your studies too early. Choose wisely.

Parents want us to get higher education. Make them happy. Choose wisely.


You Deserve To Know More

UniFinder Ltd.